I didn’t think it was possible for it to happen again so soon. What am I referring to? A local hospital (and once again, not one known for providing affordable care to the uninsured) came within $10 of our internet price for a gall bladder removal. The patient, no fool, though, realized that our price was inclusive and that the hospital quote was once again for the facility, only.
The importance of this trend here in Oklahoma City cannot be overstated I think. This hospital was not quoting a fee representing an amount at which they were losing money. They were, quite simply, afraid of losing this surgical case to a competitor that has posted their prices online…..US!
I hope this continues. What a great development for those needing health care services in this area! And then, as I have pointed out before, there is, as Bastiat would say, the economic benefit of “what is not seen.”
G. Keith Smith, M.D.