Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

July 25, 2011

National Health Insurance

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 10:21 pm

In yesterday’s Sunday paper, a letter was printed by a local person advocating national health care.  She said, “…… a single-payer system is the only plan guaranteed to stop skyrocketing health care costs by taking the profit margin out of health care.  It would reduce costs, guarantee choice and ensure that all Americans have quality, affordable health care.  It would give Americans far more in savings than other options.”

I have two words.  ”Atlas Shrugged.”  Ok, I have a few more words…this is a blog, you know.  If you take “the profit margin out of health care,”  why would anyone deliver health care?  ”…mandating only a single automobile manufacturer is the only way to stop the price of cars from skyrocketing by taking the profit margin out of selling cars.  It would reduce costs, guarantee choice (?) and ensure that all Americans have quality, affordable personal transportation.”….sound crazy?  Substitute a single home builder.  Try a single telephone provider.  Try….well, you get the idea.  I would encourage this person to ask why no Oklahomans go to Canada for their health care.  After all, they have taken the profit margin out of health care there and don’t they have choice guarantees and quality affordable care?  Why are they coming to Oklahoma for their surgery?  Is that really what this individual wants?

Anyone advocating a single payor system should try getting their care at the VA hospital or the Indian Health Service to get a taste of what true government medicine is all about.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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