Check out the Foundation for Economic Education. This outfit was founded by the great libertarian Leonard Read. There is absolutely no way to better acquaint oneself with the great political philosophy of non-aggression than familiarizing yourself with his works. My favorites are “Anything That’s Peaceful,” “Elements of Libertarian Leadership,” and “I Pencil.” …you can read “I Pencil” here.
I thought of him this weekend while visiting with a friend who is going through the angry phase of the wake up to reality that I believe many libertarians go through on their philosophical journey. This anger finds its way into the politics of medicine. Forcing people to undergo drug tests. Forcing sterilization or abortion. These are the methods of the aggressive, non-peaceful men that are tired of being robbed. The right approach was, according to Read, always a non-aggressive, loving approach. He was an intensely Christian man and his political views were as consistent with his faith as any man that has written about political economy or political philosophy, in my humble opinion. His writings had an intense impact on me, not only his philosophy but his faith.
His answer, by the way to the above scenario would be to characterize the event that led to the creation of the welfare check as an aggressive, violent act of robbery. Why discuss how to dispense with the money? What about the original crime and victim? His writings always seem to bring peace in troubled times.
G. Keith Smith, M.D.