Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

September 30, 2011

Government Turns on its Own?

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 2:06 pm

A small article in our local paper yesterday stated that an investigation by the inspector general’s office found that the EPA report the current administration cited and relied on to implement new and tough environmental regulations was exagerated and flawed.  This is not some politically charged right wing think tank.  This is the government’s own inspector general’s office findings.

Ok.  Here’s the translation.  The EPA lied.  They issued a false report because that’s what the current trash in the executive branch (as opposed to the previous trash) wanted them to do.  Then the executive branch used this pack of lies to implement new regulations that simlutaneously crushed their political foes in business while boosting the businesses of their buddies (like Solyndra).  Who said the current president wasn’t a fan of crony capitalism?

Lew Rockwell once said that “…we are ruled by the stupid party and the evil party.  Once in a while they get together and do something stupid and evil.  We call that bipartisanship.”   The EPA and the FDA alone are bad enough.  When they get together, we get regulations that can result in deaths.  Like outlawing over the counter Primatene mist.  Because it will hurt the ozone layer.  But they didn’t lie about that did they?


G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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