Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

August 2, 2011

Tax Code

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 2:27 am

Why is health insurance tax deductible for businesses and not for individuals?  Could this possibly be a benefit to big insurance companies?

Put yourself in the shoes of the insurance company.  Wouldn’t you rather deal with a company’s human resources staff than to deal with each and every one of the employees of a 1000 employee company?  Wouldn’t you rather sell one policy that covers “1000 lives”  than to issue 1000 policies?

Now, consider Obamacare.  Five, maybe six regions of the country.  Each covered by one of the giant insurance companies.  Done.  No competition.  No need to provide customized insurance coverage to individuals.

Wonder why the insurance industry supported this fiasco?

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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