Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

July 4, 2011

Independence Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 9:19 pm

What does this day mean? From what or whom did the founders declare their independence?  From a tyrannical government, that’s who.  The British tyranny of King George paled in significance to what we are seeing now, however, from Washington.  Increasingly, it seems, states are declaring their independence from Washington, D.C. I’ve noticed that this declaration is taking the form of nullification of federal laws.  States are simply ignoring federal laws or even more shocking thumbing their nose at the federal laws…. from refusal to register guns with the ATF to legalizing marijuana to the Obamacare resistance movement.

Happy 4th of July.  May the spirit of independence reign!

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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  1. Re: keeping our independence Check out Cedar Falls, Iowa, where the city council voted to require every building in town except single-family residences and duplexes to have a lockbox. The expense (several hundred dollars) will be borne by owners, and the city has the key (and access). Have these people read the Fourth Amendment? One citizen, acknowledging that firefighters would damage the building entrance in case of a fire, said that is a price he would pay to keep them out of his building so he could retain his right to secure his own property.

    Comment by George Smith — July 10, 2011 @ 2:45 am

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