Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

July 11, 2011

Unnecessary Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 2:49 am

I recently had a friend scheduled for an unnecessary surgery here in town.  The surgeon is known for his lack of judgement and marginal-absent skills.  Widely known.  Fortunately for my friend I found out what was going on and intervened.  She saw a competent surgeon and was diagnosed and treated in his office.  At what physician-owned surgery center does this buffoon work?  Ready?   He doesn’t work at one.  What?  ”I thought all you doctors were interested in was money?  Why wouldn’t you want someone like this working in your facility making lots of money,” you say?

Because he is trash.  What he is doing is unethical and it makes everyone he is associated with look like trash including the doctor (a hospital employee)  that referred my friend to him and the large hospital that continues to renew his privileges.

But there is more.  This surgeon scheduled another unnecessary surgery last week.  There is just one problem.  The patient is the son of a prominent physician here in town.  The patient’s father is not one to take this lying down.  This situation could be lethal to the career of the idiot surgeon.  This situation will be embarrassing to the hospital that continues to renew the privileges of this guy.   Wouldn’t surprise me if this winds up before the licensure board.

If you need surgery, ask the surgeon what physician-owned surgery center he works at.  If he says he doesn’t work at one……I suggest you run.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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