Surgery Center of Oklahoma Blog

December 26, 2011

Oregonians in Civil War Uniforms?

Filed under: Uncategorized — surgerycenterok @ 11:36 am

This article is from the same writer that inspired my piece called “How much should I spend on booze?”  Writing in Forbes magazine, she is upset that a federal standard for what insurance policies should cover never materialized.  Not exactly a fan of state’s rights, huh?  Keep in mind this is in Forbes magazine.

On the other side of the aisle, an apologist for big government health care writes that it is precisely the state of Oregon’s ability to decide for itself what works best for Oregon, that will bring the best socialist health care to the folks who live there.  I’m guessing that this writer hasn’t, until recently, been a fan of state’s rights.

Funny how folks’ agendas can change in monumental ways how they think about government.  One, usually on the right wing side wants to use power to force whatever they think is a good idea down others’ throats and the other, usually on the left, wants the feds to leave her and her state alone….well…just on this issue!

I recommend Leonard Read’s “Anything That’s Peaceful,” to both of them, as they seem to be suffering from a malady of inconsistency on how to run other people’s lives.  ”Freedom is a good idea…well unless it conflicts with what I think is best for you!”  ”State’s rights never make sense and the tenth amendment is stupid and racist…well unless the tyrants in my state come up with better ideas than the tyrants in D.C.”  Thoughts like these must be running through their heads, potentially causing much cognitive dissonance.  Hope their health care plans include provisions for mental health down the road.

G. Keith Smith, M.D.

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